Best and the Brightest 2021 Award: <i>Easter&nbsp;Lily&nbsp;Trinity</i>

Image of Easter Lily Trinity and Medal

The Best and the Brightest highlights the Scottsdale Artists' School’s top students from around the world. It is open to any student who has taken a workshop or weekly class within the last three years at the Scottsdale Artists’ School. Students are invited to submit artwork into the show and entries go through a jurying process. A variety of awards are given to pieces in the categories of Oil, Drawing, Pastel, Sculpture, Small Works (8×10 inches or smaller) and Water Media. The show celebrates the skills learned by students while studying at the School and their ability to apply them to their artwork.

This year, the 2021 Best and the Brightest gallery featured one of our very own esteemed artists, Heather Szczepiorkowski. Her piece, Easter Lily Trinity, was awarded with an Honorable Mention in Sculpture.

See more from the Best and the Brightest show at